Friday, May 5, 2017

Soo, I found a different type of printing yesterday! Its called wood transfer! Its so cool its just like printing on a canvas but with a piece of wood! Here's a link that will show you what it looks like and how to do it!

I cant wait to bring one on Thursday to show everyone!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Hey guys I have some photos ready to share with you and I also will be printing a picture on a canvas soon! I cant wait to show y'all that on Presentation Day. I have edited some more of my photos from D.C. and I plan on posting them when I get home today!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Here are some pictures I took earlier this week. The first one was the picture of the sky and I added some filters and was about to fix the exposure of the picture and some other effects on the picture.
Hey guys so this weekend and part of next week I will be in Washington D.C. and I will be taking a bunch of photos with my moms Nikon camera. I cant wait to show you all of the finals!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Here are some more photos I took earlier this week! I hope to get back in touch with my mentor about going to work with her and learning to canvas print and develop!

Friday, February 17, 2017

These are some of the pictures I have taken. I hope to take a lot more this weekend!
Ok, so I found out that the building of the lacrosse stick is going to go over the time I have available for me to do this project. So I will be moving on to my back up project which is photography. My mom and I have talked about this and she is going to talk to one of her photography friends and see if I can go and hangout with her and learn how to canvas print and develop pictures. I will be updating my page with some pictures I have already taken soon.